Source code for president.error

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# pylint: disable=C,I,R,W0212,W0718,E0402


import io
import traceback

from .utils import skip

[docs]class Error: skip = 'PING,PONG,PRIVMSG' verbose = False errors = []
[docs] @staticmethod def debug(txt) -> None: if Error.verbose and not skip(txt, Error.skip): Error.raw(txt)
[docs] @staticmethod def handle(exc): excp = exc.with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) Error.errors.append(excp)
[docs] @staticmethod def raw(txt) -> None: pass
[docs]def waiter(): got = [] for ex in Error.errors: stream = io.StringIO( traceback.print_exception( type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__ ) ) for line in stream.readlines(): Error.debug(line) got.append(ex) for exc in got: if exc in Error.errors: Error.errors.remove(exc)