Source code for president.modules.req

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"""| **Information and Evidence Unit**
| **Office of the Prosecutor**
| **Post Office Box 19519**
| **2500 CM The Hague**
| **The Netherlands**

Hello Office of the Prosecutor,

i write you in the context of communications and claims under art.15 of
the Rome Statute. i want to inform the prosecutor that the king of the
netherlands and his government are commiting 3 of the 5 crimes defined
in the Rome Statute.

The dutch government has introduced three new forced care laws, the Wfz
(wet forensische zorg) for criminals, the WvGGZ (Wet verplichte GGZ) for
the disturbed and addicted and the Wzd (Wet zorg en dwang) for the

Both the chamber suggesting these laws to the king and the king himself
have been informed about the fact the the substances administered under
these laws are proven to be poison (1).

There is proof the medication used in forced treatements in the
netherlands are poison.

1) haloperidol

2) clozapine

3) olanzapine

4) aripriprazole

With the mass scale torture with poison the king of the netherlands and
his chamber:

(1) kills
(2) does grave bodily and mental harm
(3) makes impotent

on the following victim groups here in the Netherlands:

(1) verslaafden (addicts)
(2) bejaarden (elderly)
(3) ggz patienten (psychiatric patients)
(4) criminelen (criminials)
(5) gehandicapten (handicapped)

Since the members of the chamber and the king were aware that these
medicine are poison at the time they voted for this law and the day the
Wfz law took effect (1-1-2019), i ask the prosecutor to prosecute the
king for making the commiting of the above mentioned crimes (killing,
torture and impotent making) possible here in the netherlands in the
hope that it stops the mass torture with poison the king of the
netherlands and his government are doing.

Bart Thate


(1) provided are the confirmation letters of both the chamber and the king.
(2) your reference: OTP-CR-117/19

[docs]def req(event): event.reply(__doc__)